( life )


Carrying Forward and Leaving Behind

Carrying Forward and Leaving Behind

A Note After the Holiday Blur

I took a meaningful break from this space over the holidays, and now, as the new year settles in, I finally feel like I’m finding my rhythm again.

The start of a new year always brings reflection—on lessons learned, opportunities for growth, and the path ahead. It’s a symbolic time to pause, evaluate, and re-evaluate. There are things I want to leave behind and others I hope to build upon and carry forward.

Leaving Behind in 2024

This year, I intend to release negative self-talk and the quiet whispers of self-doubt. I want to let go of the urge for perfection, both here and in other aspect of my life. I hope to free myself from any lingering guilt or resentment and, most importantly, to shed any fear—whether conscious or subconscious—that has been holding me back.

Carrying Forward into 2025

In 2024, I learned to trust myself more, seeking answers from within rather than looking outward for validation. I leaned deeper into my authenticity, discovering my what and why while continuing to explore my how and when.

In 2025, I want to keep embracing life’s small moments of beauty, weaving them together with my love for connection, growth, and family. These three—beauty, connection, and family—will be the pillars I carry forward, not just into this year but into every year to come.

This year, I hope to continue trusting the journey, believing that even if the destination is not what I expected, it is still where I am meant to be.

As I write, I find even more to carry forward, but I will end with the gift of gratitude and perspective. Every day, it seems, events unfold that shake the world. As I sit here, I feel both saddened and deeply aware of how quickly things can change. This serves as a reminder to hold onto gratitude—for the present, for the people I love, and for the simple, beautiful, fleeting moments that make up a life.

Here is to carrying forward and leaving behind in 2025.